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Fact: Too many people are passing up opportunities to be a podcast guest. It could be that they don’t recognize the value in tapping into someone else’s audience. Or maybe they don’t know what to expect, what to say, or how to maximize the opportunity.

But let us point out that these same “downsides” can also be considered benefits. Because these what-ifs hold so many people back, being a podcast guest is a hugely underrated opportunity to grow your business. Naturally, this means there’s plenty of room for you to stand out. 

Want to be among the savvy few who know a good thing when they see (or hear) it? Here’s how being a podcast guest can help you skyrocket your expert authority.

Gain Instant Brand Awareness

Being a podcast guest means getting in front of someone else’s audience. Maybe some listeners have heard of you, and maybe they haven’t. In either case, your guest appearance will have made a strong introduction. You suddenly go from someone the audience doesn’t know to someone they’ve learned something from. 

This is your chance to spread awareness about who you are, what you do, and how you can help others. And if you book a guest spot on the right shows, you’ll spread brand awareness with your ideal customers. The more value you share, the more likely you are to gain a few new fans or customers by the end of the podcast. 

Build Credibility

More than half of all Americans have listened to at least one podcast, and three out of four people are at least familiar with podcasting. Every podcast means a new audience for you. They may not know who you are, what you do, or—most importantly—why they should listen to what you’re saying. All they know is someone they already like and trust is interviewing you.

This alone is a huge boost in authority. You look good by association and can win over listeners just by being yourself.

Think about it: someone bringing you onto your podcast must put a huge amount of trust into what you do. They think you’ve got something important to say, and this trust carries over to their listeners.

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Pack a Lot of Value into a Short Timeframe

Podcasting is a form of content marketing, which experts are increasingly using to grow their credibility. What makes podcasting stand out is the way it packs value into a short timeframe. 

When listeners tune into a podcast, you’ve got them on the hook for 20-60 minutes, give or take. They’re not spending that much time reading blog post after blog post. But you COULD cover multiple topics that would be blogs or other content in a single interview.

This is one reason why people love podcasts so much. They get more takeaways for their time. What’s more, they know they’re getting insights directly from an expert, which isn’t always the case when they’re using Google to find information.

Repurpose the Content on Your Own Channels

Who doesn’t want to get more mileage out of their content? Especially when you can use content that doesn’t require as much time and money to make as your in-house content.

Being a podcast guest is an honor, so naturally, you’ll want to share your guest appearance with your own audience. 

While you may already have an audience that knows and trusts you, showing off your guest appearance can reinforce your credibility. It reminds your customers why you’re considered an expert in your field. 

Your customers might feel more comfortable recommending others to you when you continue to earn their trust. They might stay with you longer or renew or upgrade their service with you. Share the podcast on your social media channels, website, or other outlets to attract new customers. 

You can also hand the podcast over to your content writing team to turn your insights into multiple blog posts, social media posts, or even lead magnets. There are tons of possibilities for repurposing your guest podcast!

Next Steps: How to Find Podcast Guest Opportunities

Good news: There are over 1.9 million podcasts, so there’s a good chance you can find a few that fit your niche and share your insights. Being a podcast guest can be a lucrative opportunity to improve your credibility. You have a captive audience on a podcast. People who tune in want to listen to what you have to say, even if you’re just a guest.

Take advantage of these opportunities to flex your expert authority while everyone else scratches their heads trying to figure out what’s missing from their marketing strategy.

Now that you know the value of guest podcasting, it’s time to take the next step . . .

Download my absolutely free guide to learn how to find guest podcasting spots to grow your business.

Ready to learn more? Watch my video below where I break down ever more reasons why being a podcast guest is the #1 way to grow your business.